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Sep 8, 2021
Your natal lunar phase; the second fertile window in your menstrual cycle
Dr Eugen Jonas, a doctor in the 1950s had a keen interest in astrology. Through his work and research, he found that women have a second...

Sep 2, 2021
Bengkung Belly Binding; Healing properties of traditional Malaysian postpartum practices
Belly binding is evident in various traditions and cultures, each with its own unique process and technique. Though it has been practiced...

Aug 18, 2021
Hormones of labour: what are they and how to promote them PT2
Following on from my last blog post, I want to continue talking about the hormones of labour and how to help promote them. We are...

Aug 9, 2021
Hormones of labour: what are they and how to promote them PT1
"Natural childbirth allows the hormones that have been working for women for thousands of years to fulfill their functions. This is more...

Jul 29, 2021
The seed bearer: males' role in the conception and the health of offspring
The piece of the puzzle that’s missing is the role of the paternal germ line in the aetiology of genetic (and possibly epigenetic)...

Jun 2, 2021
Birth Positions; Throughout history to now, what works?
“It is best practice for hospitals, obstetric providers, and nurses to support women in their right to choose positions for pushing and...
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